Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Surgery Update

Tues Dec 18th 9:00 PM
The nurses were able to find me (Lynn) a sleeper room so Beth is staying with Aimee for the night and I am crashing upstairs. Please keep the hydrocephalus in your prayers because if it does not go down they will have to put in the shunt. I need sleep and will post again tomorrow.

Tues Dec 18th 8:00 PM
Here is the update as of 7:45 PM. Aimee went into surgery at 3:45 PM and came out at 7:15. She is now in recovery and we are waiting for her to wake up before seeing her. There are some significant things that need to be prayed for right now. She went through the surgery just fine without any hiccups. She is asleep and recovering well. The doctors had to do some transfusion more for preventative measures than any emergencies. However, if you recall we were praying that the CSF (cerebro-spinal fluid) buildup would be handled by her body and we would not need a shunt. They did a CT scan about 30 minutes ago and without the encephelocele, the fluid is already building up. If it does not start getting handled by the ventricles in her brain, they will have to do another surgery either tomorrow or the day after to put in a shunt. Please declare in prayer that her brain will start absorbing that CSF right away. She is strong healthy and recovering but we want that CSF to start being handled correctly by her body. The encephelocele is gone forever and plastic surgeons have closed her skull to look normal and whole. Praise God!!!! We love you guys will post again as soon as possible.

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