Friday, December 14, 2007

Beth's Story

Hi everyone! (It's Beth this time) So... we got a call from Children's hospital today and as far as we know we will be going into surgery this Tuesday. There is a long surgery ahead of Aimee's and the nurses told us to expect her to to go in early in the afternoon. Our little overnighter we had got us bumped up from the 11th of January to Tuesday! Praise God! He always has a way of working things out. We went to a great Christmas party I thought you would like to see what our little Chubster looked like tonight!
I have the most amazing story! I suppose it started when we really decided that no matter what we were going through financially God was going to get first dibs and then some. Lynn and I have been faithful in giving our first fruits, tithes and offerings for almost the past 2 years. Just like in Malachi 3:10-12 He has poured out His blessings on us. I cannot even begin to sum up the generosity that our family and friends and even anonymous people have blessed us by. It has been so humbling to be on this end receiving all of the gifts and blessings. A few weeks ago I was hosting a book group with girls from City Church and when everyone had gone home I was cleaning up the kitchen and found $1,000 in cash on the counter. Aimee's surgery had a thousand dollar deductible that Lynn and I were scrimping and saving for. Not to mention we received $500 from family the day before and that caught us up on all of our bills and later that night we filled up our fridge with a gift card to a grocery store from an unknown employee at Lynn's office. If there is one thing I have learned during this time is that He is never going to leave us. Matter of fact just looking back at the whole experience I don't know if I have quite ever experienced God's love in this way. It is so unconditional and undeserved. I have always felt like I have to earn or deserve what I get, but I think God is teaching me by taking away everything that I could do to make myself feel worthy and just proving He is God and He is enough. It is awkward and uncomfortable at times, but I am learning and growing.
So there is a little glimpse of what is going on in my head and what I am learning as I am going through this season. (Thank God it is just a season!) I love you all so much. I hope that all of you know just how much you have touched our lives and our hearts.

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