Thursday, December 20, 2007

Surgery Update Thursday

Thurs Dec 20 9:00 PM
She is out of surgery and the shunt is in place. They also have a drain in the back of her skull to take off some of the IV fluids in her because she is so swollen. The catheter for the shunt is not in the perfect place according to the surgeons and CT scans so they will take another CT scan tomorrow to see if they need another surgery to revise the positioning. My entire family minus older sister is now in town and has seen her. Also, the Captain and First Sergeant of my unit at Ft. Lewis stopped by about 2 hours ago just to make sure everything was ok and we were being handled well. God Bless the Army!

Thurs Dec 20 6:10 PM
They are taking her in right now for the shunt. Please be praying. They are going to do some extra stuff to drain any leaked CSF besides putting in the shunt.

Thurs Dec 20 2:00 PM
So far it's a quite day. They took some x-rays earlier this morning to check breathing tube placement and they had planned to do the shunt at 1 but that was postponed again and possibly has a chance of being pushed to tomorrow. Her vitals are great and she is nice and peaceful. However, she has developed a real nasty blister under her chin cause she is so chunky and swollen with IV fluids. The blister is huge going from ear to ear and has broken open so pray for no infection in that. They are not super worried about it and have placed some silk gauze on it to prevent it worsening. Also, they have given her some diuretics to take some fluids out of her body and it's working pretty fast so far. My mom is watching the cell phones out in the waiting room so any phone calls should be able to get to me fairly quickly.

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