Friday, April 18, 2008

Let it snow

Today we were keeping warm inside while it was snowing -yes, snowing... all day. Today I had one of the best moments I can ever remember. We had a roaring fire in our fireplace. I had Aimee in my arms and huge soft flakes were falling. It was the closest thing to pure bliss I think I have ever felt. It seems like God has been giving me so many of these moments were all I can do is be still and rest with her. Lynn's parents flew in last night and have been doing everything from dishes to dinner to help us out. I was able to snap a picture of a tender moment that Grandma G had with her little grand baby. It is such a joy to share her. We have had so many of these little pieces of pure happiness the past few days. God is so good and knows the perfect way to prepare me for the road ahead. I think days and moments like this will never be far from my thoughts.
Today Aimee has had trouble regulating her temperature as well as her breathing and it can be so hard to watch her. We have been successful in keeping her calm and treating any agitation quickly. She has been kept safe and warm in the arms of family and friends all day. I don't think that she has been in her cradle for more than a total of 10 minutes today! We will keep you up to date and let you know if there are any changes.

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