Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We are moving right along. Literally!

The news is out. Lynn and I are moving to Idaho for a season. It has been quite a process actually and things are going surprisingly smooth so far. Lynn received a call from his previous employer in Twin Falls and they already have an interview set up tomorrow.
Ok, I gotta get to the cool part of this story. A few months ago Lynn's parents had offered us an opportunity to live in their empty house that needs someone there to take care of it. At the time we didn't feel like it was something that we could see happening. We pretty much closed the chapter on that book and moved on. A few weeks ago I was in my quiet time praying and reading and getting to my favorite time of just being absolutely still and waiting on Him to answer back. (You have no idea how difficult this can be for someone who has ADD!) During this time I kept on getting the word "Go". I was thinking "Hmm, well that's nice God, but 'go' do what? Go get a new job? Go make dinner? Go to the ends of the earth... Go....what?!?!" I even wrote it down then scribbled it out because it just didn't make any sense to me. I didn't think about it much if at all since it happened.
While we were on vacation they offered us the house again and we prayerfully considered it, but still had plenty of reasons either way. Lynn and I had to make a decision soon- we could not afford to just sit on the fence about it and we wanted to make sure that we were doing the right thing. We have been asking for wisdom like it says to in James "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."
It was Friday morning and while I was getting ready for work it hit me like lightening. He already answered. I was in the middle of brushing my teeth and trying to explain this to Lynn at the same time. I was talking/gargling at a hundred miles a minute, foam everywhere... I think he thought I was mad! I knew deep down inside that this was the answer we had been praying and fasting for. "Go!" I was so shocked because I have tons of reasons why I wanted to stay in Seattle. I have an amazing church that I am part of. I have friends and family that have been there for us and walked with us through our hardest days, I love the green grass- and hate the sagebrush. I even called Deanna and asked her if God answers prayer like this! But when you get a word from God that sorta changes your perspective on it all. Lynn and I are completely in agreement about this decision and we are super excited to see what God has in store for us. With a word from Him it puts my heart at peace. I know He has gone before us. I know He has amazing plans for us.

(I was writing this late last night and was not able to finish, but as of this morning Lynn has a job waiting for him in Idaho! Nice job honey! )

We are going to be leaving the last few days in July. I hope we get to see all of you before then!


Anonymous said...

Beth and Lynn,
I couldn't be more excited for you two! I think this is a wonderful choice you've made. Everything certainly happens for a reason! I must say Beth, while I was reading this blog, the "brushing teeth" segment on the phone was all too familiar! Remember?? Love you you guys and best of luck on your move to Idaho.

Anonymous said...

Hey hon, Josh said he saw Lynn's name on the new hire sheet so I had to log on and see if it was true. I can't wait to see you guys. Call us when you get into town 208-404-4425

~AJ & Josh