Saturday, June 28, 2008

Miracles in the Making

Contrary to popular belief we have not abandoned our blog! I know it has been a while since I have shed any light on what Lynn and I are up to, but I promise I won't quit any time soon. To be as truthful as possible it has been more difficult to keep on going with the daily tasks these past few weeks than it has ever been since she went to be with Jesus. Lynn and I are trying to find our rhythm as a couple instead of parents (of course we will always be a mommy and a daddy at heart) and that has held more challenges than we expected.
Just to catch you up, Lynn's unit is being trained for infantry in Iraq. One of the infantry units is at full strength, but if there is any reason why some of the soldiers are unable to complete their training they would pull soldiers out of Lynn's aviation unit. I will be the first to admit there was that old familiar pang of raw panic when I heard about the call to duty. But this time Lynn and I immediately knew that every time we felt panic trying to creep back into our thoughts we just prayed together and attacked that little stinkin' pain in the tush... There have been so many miracles that God has worked out on our behalf because we were obedient to follow His call to the army. To begin with, Lynn was originally going to be working on the Black Hawk Helicopters for the Washington National Guard, but at the last moment Washington State changed their fiscal year and he changed his training field to the Chinooks instead. We found out that if he would have gone with the Black Hawks he would have been getting home about now from Iraq.
Another amazing miracle is that the army's health insurance covered Aimee's half- million dollar hospital bill. Can you imagine what kind of stress and pressure would be looming over us if we had that kind of debt to pay off? I remember when I was driving to work one morning and I was praying (I suppose it was closer to begging) that God would keep Lynn safe at home on US soil so he could be there as the daddy that Aimee needed and the husband that I needed too. I must have prayed for hours for Lynn's safety and I was so afraid that God didn't hear me, but I remember going to church and Pastor Gini was leading us in prayer and she said "God wants you to know He has heard your prayers and He is faithful!" It may have been a word for others as well, however I knew that the words she spoke were meant for me to hear that day.
My immediate family has been faced with health issues that seemed as if they came from nowhere and at the same time. I honestly couldn't believe it when I got the news. I kept thinking 'what next God? What else could possibly happen to me?' (nice attitude huh?) But then in His gentle, but very firm way (ya know what I mean- it is kinda like the last warning you get before you get disciplined by mom's wooden spoon) He brought Aimee's miracles back to my mind. A few weeks after Aimee was born we asked Pastor Judah to lay hands on her and pray for her healing. The encephalocele that was growing at the nape of her neck was a splotchy purple color and it was getting larger every week. When we were praying Lynn saw it shrink and the weird splotchy color was completely gone. Lynn told me that he couldn't even believe his eyes as he watched the purple color fade into a normal flesh tone in his hands. We even have before and after pictures. Of course it still got larger as she grew, but every single one of her doctors was absolutely amazed. They had never seen an encephalocele that was as large, but with no skin break down. Even up to the day it was repaired there was never any problem with the skin it was tough, thick and protected her from getting any infections. When I fix my mind on the amazing healing God that He is and the proof that He gave us , how can I have that kind of attitude? I can't! I just gotta keep praying and standing in faith with my family.
Sometimes when I am going through the hardest days and darkest nights it is hard for me to remember that I am a child of the miracle working God and HE LOVES ME!! But when I look at the things He has done, the separation He delivered us from, the healing and protection for my baby girl, the provision he already had planned before we needed it, and the free car that I prayed for and was given, how can I despair? When I first started blogging I honestly was a little down. There have been so many difficult things that have come up since we said goodbye to our precious little baby. I feel like I have been in sort of a numb fog for a while. Just reading about His miracles and his obvious love for us feels soooo good! I suppose I am learning that even when your hardest days get harder He still is. It is such a comfort to know that He is and always will be- no matter what you are going through.
On a side note I really want to thank all of those who have taken the time to help council and encourage us. I wish I could put into words how much I am blessed by your words of affirmation and motivation and even caution. We feel that you have helped spur us on into a richer and deeper love with our Savior as we seek His direction for us. Lynn and I have some pretty big decisions that are coming up and what we choose will definitely change the path for the rest of our lives. It really has been an honor to us that so many of you have been so involved in our lives and want to keep up on our progress. Thank you! We love you.

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