Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Hello everyone. It's been a long time since we have posted Beth and I have been working like crazy to keep up with life in the past couple of months but it was a little annoying to log back in here and see my last post was before the election. It's been long enough. We are really trying to find the time to post more and more. We had a good Christmas since the entire Heinemann clan came to Twin Falls for the holidays and Beth's entire family came so there was a ton of people going everywhere. I am not excited about going back to work next week but at least things will quiet back down. I'd have to say this was the best Christmas that we've had as a married couple and having so much family around is such a blessing. Hope yours was just as good. Christmas for the two of us will always be marked with a touch of sadness because Christmas Day 2007 is when we brought Aimee home from the hospital after her surgery. Beth's parents have pictures of her everywhere, my family not only has pictures but every cellphone in the house has a picture of her as a background screen so we see her everywhere and are reminded of her constantly. It's starting to feel like a dull ache instead of a constant pain like the feeling you get when you've had the flu and wake up the next day feeling a little better. Like you know you're going to make it but you feel stiff and sore from the illness. Now it's the land mines we have to worry about. Once in a while we will be cleaning something and a picture will fall out of a book or I'll run into a little video of her I didn't know I had. Anyone who has lost someone close can relate how months and years later you think you're mostly over it but a particular vivid memory of them can bring the pain back as fresh and as real as the day it happened. Anyway.....

I am curious to see who still reads our blogs considering that its been forever since we wrote a post. Email me at I would love to see who pops back on here once in a while.

Have a great New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still do:) Every once in a while I check in to see what you guys write!!