Sunday, April 20, 2008

Finally Home

I am very sad to be writing this but rejoicing at the same time. Our little Aimee Elise went to be with Jesus at 3:40 AM Sunday April 20th. Beth and I are of course a little shell-shocked right now but we are so happy to know that she is whole and healed now. No more surgeries. No more 2AM trips to ER. She quietly went to sleep in our arms and did not struggle or experience any discomfort. It was a very peaceful passing and we had time to say our goodbyes. I can barely think of the words to write. It hurts so terribly but inside we have a peace and quiet that passes any understanding. It's like peace itself has taken residence in my heart to wash away the blinding pain that is there.

A memorial service is being planned but I do not have any exact details. It will most likely be at The City Church in Kirkland, WA sometime in the next week. I will do my best to post the details as soon as I know anything. Thank you all for your prayers, letters, and emails. I guarantee this is the hardest thing any parent will ever have to do but through Christ, amazingly enough, all things are possible. We welcome any questions you might have - feel free to email any time.

Lynn & Beth


Anonymous said...

The verse that speaks about a "peace that passes all understanding" is never more understood than at times like these when we are called upon to go through something so traumatic as to defy explanations why we are not destroyed in the experience.

I'm sure Aimee is playing with my little Cameron right now. He went home to be with the Lord many years ago.....but I'm sure that he welcomes a new playmate. Aimee has angel babysitters - you'll see her again. And she will see you!!!

Cindy Booth
(friend of Carrie's in San Diego)

Anonymous said...

Lynn and Beth,

We are so sorry to hear about your sweet little girl. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Tony and Julie

hw said...

Again, you are such an amazing example to all of us. God's grace is sufficient. We love you and are hugging you right now.
The Walcotts

drymartini66 said...

To lose a daughter or son is the hardest thing a parent can go through. She is home now and will not have to go through anymore pain and suffering. Our prayers go out to to you.

Matt+Melodie Martinez