Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chloe's Poem

In Her Mother’s Arms

Angels dancing in the sky,

And there the babe lies, in her mother’s arms.

The snow falling in the night,

And there the babe sleeps, in her mother’s arms.

Innocent Moon peeks through the clouds,

And there the babe struggles, in her mother’s arms.

A dog barks, a bird chirps,

And there the babe cries, in her mother’s arms.

Then all’s silent as they watch

All is silent as they watch

The miracle, the lamb, the babe,

As she drifts to her home in heaven,

In her loving mother’s arms.

Dedicated to the little angel Aimee

By Chloe Bazlen

Chloe is Beth's amazing 12 year old cousin. She loved our little angel so much. Thanks for letting us share her with you Chloe Bell -We love you so much! XOXO Beth&Lynn

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